(Chinese only) 田家炳基金會聯手大教育平台及香港政策研究所於2020年8月1日舉辦「線上線下教育360研討會」。此次研討會因應時勢,藉助ZOOM雲端會議平台在線開展,是田家炳基金會發起的首次大型網絡會議。詳情請參看http://www.tinkaping.org/線上線下教育360研討會-展望香港學與教未來/
Date | 1 August 2020 (Saturday) |
Time | 2:30-4:30pm |
Format | ZOOM |
Language | Cantonese |
Target audience | Principals, headmasters, policy makers, NGO representatives, commercial representatives, etc. |
Speaker | Professor Nancy Law |
Moderator | Professor Cheng Kai-ming |
Programme | (Chinese only)
Organizer | Tin Ka Ping Foundation and Smart Learning Research |
Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship (e-Citizenship) Project is funded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, under its Theme-based Research Scheme [Project No. T44-707/16-N] and jointly conducted by researchers from The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The preparation of this report was overseen by the Project Coordinator, Nancy Law.
Room 122, Runme Shaw Bld., The University of Hong Kong
Email: | dcitizen@hku.hk |