A team of researchers from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, based on the initial findings of the “Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship” Project, conducted an action focused post-COVID-19 study “eCitizen Education 360”, to find out what are the challenges, wellbeing issues and status of learning outcomes during and after school suspension in primary and secondary schools, support at home, and the most urgent needs and actions after school resumption. The first batch of findings confirmed pre-suspension e-learning preparedness and family support critical for students’ online learning success. Stakeholder responses at the press conference have emphasized that it is imperative to enhance the readiness of schools, students, parents and families, and ensure equitable student learning by closing the digital divide in a rapid transition to the “New Normal” of many uncertainties. With a view to achieving these through joint school and community actions, we cordially invite you to the first school seminar below.
Date | 28 July 2020 (Tuesday) |
Time | 3:00-5:00pm |
Format | ZOOM |
Language | Cantonese |
Target audience | School leaders & ICT coordinators |
Speaker | * in alphabetical order of surnames
Facilitator | Professor Catherine K K Chan, Professor, Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education, Faculty of Education, HKU |
Programme |
Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship (e-Citizenship) Project is funded by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, under its Theme-based Research Scheme [Project No. T44-707/16-N] and jointly conducted by researchers from The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The preparation of this report was overseen by the Project Coordinator, Nancy Law.
Room 122, Runme Shaw Bld., The University of Hong Kong
Email: | dcitizen@hku.hk |